Wednesday, July 22, 2015

data sets and future formation... rather awkward attmepts to say something which I think is important.

I've been thinking a lot about data-sets recently

What i mean by this is that we go off what we know: our worldviews, our conscious or sub-conscious list of perceivable options for ourselves.
I know I'm being broad.

More specifialy I was thinking about why some people succeed to more profitable or happy careeers whilst others suffer on in the more menial- when it seems to me that often the latter are more equipped for the formers' jobs. I was thinking about some people I knew who grew up in lower-class families and ended up working at gas-stations or grocery stores when they were bright enough to study and get better jobs, and when some of the young students i encountered in university, who exhibited less common-sense, would probably end up better employed because of the expectations that they would. Their families, environments, class peirs, indicted that they would end up a banker or a beauricrat, and that this would be handed to them as easily as their post secondary funding was handed to by their parents.

I don't mean to generalize, but I think this does happen all the time, and its subtle, because we often don't realize how our own lives are dictated by what we expect out of it.
I don't mean some "positive thinking" mode of success. I just mean that I think sometimes the kid working at the gas-station has more gumption to be a banker than the university graduate does if it was offered to him as an option in his own mind.

I've been trying to figure this out for myself. In what way am i the guy working at the gas station? or maybe i'm the over-confident graduate. Or maybe I'm both, but I still haven't considered the outlandish option of not selling my labour, and working for myself instead. Maybe there's more options if i stand further back.

I've been planning on taking a teaching certification program, but here's my conundrum: am i just choosing teaching because it's the obvious choice in my set of data?
That is, we all know who teachers are. So when people hear i have a history degree they think, even suggest, I'm going into teaching. They even say I will make a great teacher- and while I might and I appreciate the confidence- I might as well just make a great "capital plannings program manager" (a title i just pulled off a job-posting site) but no-one would say that because no-one has any idea of what that entails; whereas we've all met teachers.

So am i defaulting, or is there something better out there that i'm not thinking of because i'm too lost within the box?
Am i locked within a geography, schedule, lifestyle, model, paygrade-expectation, management model, economic commonplace, linguage, experience, arrogance, insecurity, competitivity, idea of myself, concept of a future, others expectations of me, or any number of things i can't think of that are holding me back from another (better?) potential? Almost certainly.

But at what point to i hold off, survey options? How do i even get outside the box? And when do i charge full steam ahead into one innevitable fate without thinking about the rest?

and the day after that.
and the next day.

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