Thursday, September 25, 2014

I Just don't know. Tell me that's ok.

I’ve often equated my relationship to romantic relationships to the Joker’s explanation for his actions: “I’m like a dog chasing cars: I wouldn’t know what to with it if I caught one.”
In the film, Up in The Air, George Clooney’s character believes his own philosophy that less is more, is true. Watching his motivational speech in the film, I find it resonating.

Imagine you wake up with nothing “kind of exhilarating isn’t it?”
Of course, Clooney goes on to fall for a real human and find his philosophy crushed, But the romance of retreat remains.
Everybody I talk to these days seem to want to travel or to live in the woods in a “self-sustainable” cabin.

We love the story of an artist writing a masterpiece In a lonely house in the woods, or the breakup album written on a journey of self-reinvention, but aren’t the greatest creative works really collective; the product of a crowd working closely on the same project?
If we are told to own our choices, then we are implicatively responsible for our failures, and this is what I think I truly am afraid of… the breakup. The hurt caused to someone else. The scar inflicted on myself, about which someone else may someday, upon seeing, ask “how?”
Who says we can’t share our trials and errors? Who says they have to be regretted every time? Who says we can’t come home and admit our ideal decrepit?

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