Wednesday, March 07, 2007

to "Get it!"

You know those times when you just "Get it"?

A decline to a half baked lifestyle can happen so subtly. I might call it "a removal to religion".
I think this has happened to me quite a bit over the last year- which I suppose is somewhat easy when one is in an environment that can appear so subsurface that you can forget that the big stuff is underneath the skin.

I guess I just want to say "GET IT!"
There's a big picture- I've got to grasp for it. Theres a lot I don't understand- I've want to admit it and grow through it. There is a life that is beyond - I've got to live it.
I'm not about throwing fundamental truths and wisdom out the window. I believe, however, that the big picture of What God is all about is so beyond our common idea of Religion.
I seem to have embarked on another adventure that is beyond what I can do. It is therefore rooted so much more in reliance, trust and love than in me trying to do something independently. It is an intense 2-way relationship and I love it!

So that's where I'm at. It's cool.
Where' you at?

1 comment:

~WandererShe~ said...

I totally relate to that, it's more than a stagnant ritual of religion. It's a relationship that I find is made rich when lacking in definition, having to put a grade or name to every part of my faith lessens the intimacy and ability to grow in it. That's where I am at :)